Fast, Accurate, Background Search

Search for people with our hassle-free people search engine and public records database.

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Search for people with our hassle-free people search engine and public records database.

Illustration representing 700 million records


Find detailed contact information from over 43 billion public records in the U.S.

Illustration representing address records search


Go further with background search, public record and reverse phone searches.

Start a free people search today to discover white pages listings and public records for anyone. Our records include contact information, property records, relatives and more. You can find people by name, address or phone number. Our people finder and reverse phone number directories offer a safe and secure way to find a person fast.

People Search & Public Records

As the longest standing people finder database in business today, has served customers looking for accurate data for three decades and has access to more than 6,000 data sources.

There are many reasons to conduct a people search. Many people need to obtain or verify a current address or phone number. Some want to find relatives for genealogy purposes. Others may be looking to reconnect with someone from their past. Whatever your reason, can help you find people, lookup phone numbers, and to learn more about an individual’s background , bankruptcies, foreclosures, court records, and more.

And if you are a business seeking data-as-a-service (DaaS) solutions,’ enterprise division provides scalable options. These include batch, data append, API and other online services. We serve law firms, real estate agents, collection agencies, investigators and more. Contact us today for more about our professional and enterprise data services.

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